PiPets Mobile App

by PiPets LLC



PiPets Robotics: Robot pets powered by Pi. A PiPets robot accepts voice commands like "speak", "sit", "shake", "come", "find", "dance", and many more. If you own a PiPets robot, you can use this app to create a series of commands to be followed by your robot pet using programming flow control commands like conditionals, loops, and counters. It allows access to the sensors and actuators of your robot to create a program for it to follow using an easy to learn programming language called PiPets Robot EPIC (Extremely Powerful Instruction Code). Writing an EPIC program is as easy as speaking natural language phrases. It provides a fun and easy introduction to programming. Other features of the app include configuration of Wi-Fi connectivity to improve speech command recognition, a remote-control page, and the ability to update your robots firmware as new features are developed.